Disciples of Jesus Christ in the World
accepting and inviting all persons
to share in worship, witness and service,
as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world.

We are an Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion which traces its roots back to the Protestant Reformation in 16th century England.
We offer ancient liturgy that speaks to modern people.
We are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.
and Inviting
All are truly welcome
at Transfiguration Church.
There are no exceptions.
We are a diverse group of Christians who enjoy fellowship with one another, and we find our differences to be a source of strength. Our faith community has room for people of all ages, abilities and ethnicities. We are a mix of liberals and conservatives, straight and gay, bisexual and transgender, married, single, divorced, and widowed.
Worship, Witness,
and Service
Our lives as Christians are nurtured and shaped by the common worship that we share from week to week.
On Sundays, we offer two in-person worship services. Our 8:00 am service (without music) is livestreamed and you can join us here. Our 10 am service is sung. Even though we wear masks as an act of love for each other, we are so glad to be able to be together to praise God, listen to Scripture, hear the Scriptures interpreted for us, pray for ourselves and others, and be fed by the Eucharist.
On Tuesdays and Fridays at noon, we meet on Zoom for a brief time of prayer for the Church, it’s mission for the world, and our part in this work. On Tuesdays at 7 pm, we meet again on Zoom for Compline.
Our ministries are our response to how we are being shaped by our common worship. We have been able to continue some of our ministries, have had to put some on hold, and are in the process of discerning new ministries to serve our neighbors.